True Authentic and Transparent Self

Mel_2014True Authentic and Transparent Self

 To truly know our self, we must “understand who we are, how we want to be perceived, as well as what we aspire to be~ Sindell & Sindell, 2014~

True Authentic and Transparent Self

Audio Only

How does one give permission to their true authentic and transparent self? Where do we begin? We talk about being truly authentic and transparent but how many just mouths the words?

Every day we take this journey into our own lives and learn something new as we interact with love one’s, friends and strangers at each crossing.  With being in both worlds one vanilla and the other world of BDSM how do we stay authentic and transparent to ourselves and others?

Transparency reveals the character of a person and when you show Transparency it lets others know that you are a person of integrity and you honor yourself. Being authentic and transparent is a relationship with oneself and allowing others to see your true self.  The key to ones self is, transparency, authenticity and accountability as we walk in both worlds of BDSM and Non-BDSM world. We must not also forget the part of us called our soul as walk on the path of true authentic and transparent self.

Please listen to the audio recorded on my thoughts about being authentic and transparent.

Rev Mel

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We are the Real 50 Shades of Grey….

Shows Produced by M.A.P. Productions and TSRnetwork Studio
This was recorded on my IPHONE.

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Would Like to Share a Story With You.

Just So Peace full

Just So Peace full

Peaceful place

Peaceful place

I would like to share a story with you. A few weeks ago I had I had an change to attend an event at Liberty Manor out in Texas for a pre-opening of this amazing glam-camp, camp ground that that is for the BDSM community. My friend Ms Manell a friend of mine was launching this amazing place where like minded people can go and be with other like minded people and have the freedom to be who we are and that is kinky.

Being a city girl and being out in the country was something that I had not done in all most 35 years. My glam tent was amazing and the place was about 30 miles outside of Houston on 1500 acres.

My Camp Site

My Camp Site

My Wonderful Bed

My Wonderful Bed

After a cool drink we got up on back of truck and sat on hay stacks and the hay ride began. As we drove around I felt something strange and pulled around a corner our host said over to the left is a small cemetery. My heart sank as I felt someone present that has passed. We got off of the truck and all of us walked over to the grave site. There was only two head stones there and one was child that was died as an infant and one that died at the age of 9. I could hear a voice in my head that just would not stop. It was this amazing energy that was bouncing all over the place. She kept trying to talk to me and I was taken back but I could not make out what she was saying.

The owner Ms Manell slave gus told me a story that the tombstone of the little girl was broken and they would

put it back together by standing it up and the next time they would go back to where it was and it was in pieces again. One day they put it together again and they started to walk away and they heard the ground tremble and loud noise. They went back to the grave site and the once again the piece were on the ground.

The Cemetery

The Cemetery

Gus asked me what feelings did get about the little girl and was she ok with us coming over the grave site. What I felt was that she was lonely and this was joyful for her as she just a lonely soul that was happy to have people around.  On her stone she died in 1900 and she has been alone all this time. She wanted to be known and wanted their attention and so she made know to them she was there.

We left the grave site but she followed me as I could not shake her present. In the course of the evening I meet new friends and we sat round the fire place as they keep talking about snakes and other types of things that come out and they were screwing around with me. I was more worried about the little girl that was sitting next to me on the ground at my feet then the snakes.

I went to sleep and slept under the covers but I could feel her. The next day we did what you do at such an event and eat and gather at the bonfire at mid night we got back on the truck on the hay stack’s and went back to the grave site. You see at mid-night it was her birthday so we took a glass candle and a teddy bear and places it on next to the tombstone. We could hear a train in the background and I asked the owner when the train was built. He said 1900 and it confirmed what she was telling me. The train sound was so comforting to her as she would listen to the sound of the train when she was alive.

We are all standing there and shut my eyes and started speaking in tongue and I started rocking. All of sudden I was pushed back with such a force that I was almost knocked over. There were two people standing next to me and caught me and at that moment I heard her voice in my head.

She cried out I’m sorry tell my mommy I’m sorry it was said over and over again in my mind. She keep saying I died because my mommy said don’t go out to the barn. I disobeyed my mommy. She keep saying this even as we walked away from the grave site. I had to two people walk me back to the truck and they place me inside the cab as I was shaking.

One of my new friends came back to my camp site with me and we talked for hours and he felt the same that I felt and we cried tears for this little girl that sat my feet. When I went to bed I told my new friend that the little girl was welcome to come and sleep in my bed. I felt her next to me and it was a feeling of joy and love. It was something that she was missing and what she need.

What was amazing was that I fell right to sleep and slept for hours. I woke up feeling so refreshed and loved. I could feel a feeling of peace from the little girl that would not leave my side. It felt like that some of my walls were broken down and I felt much softer and that it brought out the gentle part of my soul. She changed me!

That afternoon we did a self-hypnosis class and that’s when the little girl took over and talked to me more about how she died. She said it was at night and she went to the barn and climbed the latter to get something. Her mother told her not to go to in the barn during the day. She snaked out of bed knowing she was disobeying her mother. She talked so fast and was all over the place. I kept getting two different stories from her one was I feel off the second floor of the barn and the other was I died of infection. She kept telling me both things and I’m sorry mommy.

The next day I lead a meditation about past lives and it was an amazing time shared with such amazing people and as we came out of the meditation we shared what we saw. I was leading this so I did not go on the journey in the past lives, but what happens when I lead a meditation I have no control over what is said as my spirit guides take over me. The little girl was right next to me.

I was able to talk to her in a calm way and yes she died of both as she fell off the second floor she landed on a pitch fork and it did not kill her but the infection afterwards did. Her mother could not cope with losing her so she took her own life. The sadness and pain over took as I started to cry tears. I went back to my glam-tent after the meditation and was quiet as I my eyes cried over the pain of this child dealing with 125 years of guilt.  I could feel her pain and also the release of being able to share this someone. I felt she was a peace and she told me the owner of land was her protector and she told me to thank him.

The morning I was leaving she come to me and I close my eyes and told she was safe now and she was free from guilt. Her mother came to me and there was healing of two souls. I left knowing that she was now happy and could find peace.

The owner was at my meditation and on the way to the airport he told me as he cried that felt that he was her protector way before I placed my foot the grave site. Not only did this little girl touch my heart but she touched everyone’s heart that was there that weekend. She is now loved by so many and she happy.

Rev Mel

Ms Manell and gus will be interviewed on June 16 on the Rev Mel Show at 8 PM PST on



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The Rev Mel Show with Guest Educator Galen Fous Talking About Fetishsexual Desire Live Monday March 24 at 8 PM PST

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The Rev Mel Show with Guest Educator Galen Fous Talking About Fetishsexual Desire

Link to Pop-Out Chat Room.

Where to watch the show?

We are the Real 50 Shades of Grey….
The Rev Mel Show Live on with guest Galen AKA DakaDom Live Monday March 24 at 8 pm pst.

About Galen Fous MTP: Over the last 15 years I have worked with hundreds of men, women and couples who sought support to be honest and empowered in who they are sexually, and heal from the decades of fear, shame and judgments that held their authentic desire back. I have a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology, with an emphasis on authentic sexual expression. I regularly present at a variety of Kink, Fetish and alternative Sexuality related conferences, lecture at universities and grad schools on sex-positive topics, and have been interviewed in numerous media for my innovative views on conscious sexuality and the nature of Fetishsexuality. I I have been advocating for sex positive approaches to understanding the complex nature of sexual desire and have been active publicly in the Sex-Positive, Fetish/Kink and Sacred Sexuality communities since 1998.
An important component of my research into the nature of Fetishsexual desire is the development of the Personal Erotic Myth Survey. ( ) This ground-breaking and ongoing research survey with over 800 participants so far, is the first study that begins to document the mythic archetypal aspects of Fetishsexuality and the mapping of the sexual unconscious.
In 2000 I introduced the world renowned Tetruss Portable Dungeon, Suspension Bondage Rig and Sex Swing, the world’s most versatile adult toy. (

Shows Produced by M.A.P. Productions and TSRnetwork Studio

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