Abuse is Abuse

Abuse is abuse and our community has shut down the voices of the abused and put a label on it and that is drama. We are protecting the abuser and silenced the the ones that was abused. Yes, there are two side to every story but once the abused come out to the community they are attack. The abused hide in shame and emotional pain and it’s a lonely place to be.They feel lost and shut down and no where to go for help.

While the abuser is out abusing more and having a great time at it. With out even taking any responsibility for their action. Have you ever seen an abuser come out publicly and say yes what I did was wrong? There has only been one time have I ever seen this and it was at Insight at the Lair de Sade. Lord Dan gave a talk and talked about how he treated women and the said I’m so sorry that I did that it was not right. Now, that’s an amazing man to own up to his faults. That day he became a hero to me and he showed me that we must take responsibility for our actions in life and to give anyone that has been abused their voice.

Being an Ordained Minister many come to me with stories of abuse and I see the pain and shame in their eyes as the tears run down their faces. I can only listen and hold them in my arms and help them work though their pain. Many of the abusers are people that I know personality in the community. I have lost respect for so many as I have listen to the people that they have harmed.

Their big blotted egos is their trade mark as they hide in their blank eyes of the abuse they have done to so many. I know their secrets as I have listen to countless stories that I could write a book on it. Because things are told me in confidence I must keep all of this to myself and never talk about it publicly. But I have seen abuse first hand the negative mark that leaves on our community. This is real and we can’t hide from it as there is so much abuse in our life choice. Abuse comes in all shapes and forms and it leave a lasting imprint on ones mind, body and soul.

We will continue on this road if we don’t allow the abused to stand up and open a dialog about what they went through and stop telling them that your just making drama. We need to stop protecting these abusers as it is creating a very toxic world that we live in.

I as a Dom have seen this over and over again. Also, as Dom’s we sometime do not take our stories of abuse out to the public as we also hide in shame. We have one life to live in this body and our goal is to live it with honor and integrity if you’re abusing someone then you should own it and change your actions.

Just because you own someone does not give you the right to abuse them. Shame on anyone that does this as we are so busy protecting reputations of people who really don’t deserve it.

Walk in peace, love and joy,
Rev Mel

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About Rev Mel

Rev Mel is a female Dom with over 20 years in the lifestyle and an ordained minister who firmly believes that religion and hot wet sex go hand-in-hand. She tells it like it is, and preaches that a life filled with indulgent sex is a life that?s fun, sanctimonious and worth living. To her critics, she responds, ?What?s the big deal? Our mothers and daughters do it? even the government representatives who want to control how sex is depicted in our culture do it ? sometimes in ways their constituents could never imagine.? Host of the Rev Mel show on TSRnetwork.com each Monday night and she has interviewed Jay Wiseman, Venus De Mila, Guy Baldwin, Midori, Nina Hartley and so many other outstanding leaders in the BDSM Community. The Rev Mel is live on Monday nights at 8 PM PST Only on TSRnetwork.com your place for Live Kink TV... She founded The Sacred Realm known as The Church of Perversion and Debauchery (COPAD) in Los Angeles and TSRnetwork.com and the Sacred Realm and is a BDSM consultant, educator and freedom rider. The Sacred Realm is an alternative non-traditional spiritual group that embraces all sexual orientations and sexual practices. We welcome all lifestyles and anyone who wish to explore their spiritual side of life. Rev Mel is also the founder of BDSM Pride Day and the TSR Peoples choice awards a live broadcast from Hollywood, CA. BDSM PRIDE DAY is OUR day: a day of unity- a day for BDSM-coming-out ? a day of protest against discrimination ? a day of celebrations and parties ? SM Pride! The last 10 years Rev Mel have been teaching the S/m 101 open forum at the Lair de Sade a class for new people to this life choice.

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